How To Make Things Happen

I’ve been talking a LOT about routines lately. Essentially, counselling patients on the how to of implementing some of the healing and self-care strategies I’ve prescribed for them. Because one of the most important things I’ve learned from personal experience is that if you don’t plan for it, it doesn’t happen.  Exactly how is it that some people are… Continue reading How To Make Things Happen

The Most Effective Way To Heal Yourself

Have you ever heard the phrase “you are your own best doctor”? In many respects, it’s very true. I tell this to my patients all the time. When you have any kind of health concern, who is the person most in touch with the presenting symptoms, with how they are showing up and when, with how… Continue reading The Most Effective Way To Heal Yourself

How to make REAL LIFE your practice

Last week, I promised you more of the how-to re: really practicing your practice in everyday life. Though the formal discipline piece is absolutely fundamental (how will we ever get the skills unless we show up to baseball practice), it’s vital that we actually implement whatever we are training in the ‘game time’ of our… Continue reading How to make REAL LIFE your practice

Bringing joy into your life

Let’s get right down to it. JOY. Don’t we all want our days filled with this dreamy quality? Does it seem out of reach? This used to be me: – Getting everything done for everyone else and leaving myself last – Disallowing ‘shortcuts’ around any task, whether menial or skilled – Running 5 days a week because… Continue reading Bringing joy into your life

Your Just-Right Gratitude Practice

Last week I wrote about the art of finding the space between effort and surrender. I also promised you my step-by-step guide to finding the perfect balance point in your daily gratitude practice – and if you don’t have one yet…don’t worry, got you covered. This will help guide you whether you are well practiced or haven’t thought… Continue reading Your Just-Right Gratitude Practice

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