How to feel happy

Have you ever noticed that when glimpsing our happiest, most sublime moments, we are surprisingly adept at covering this up with “protective”, often worse-case-scenario thinking? That those moments scare us so much that we have to put on a suit of armour in case it all goes horribly wrong? Brené Brown has famously said that “…the most terrifying,… Continue reading How to feel happy

Inward or Outward? Learn to shift your gaze

I have to share something I’m ashamed about. It’s uncomfortable. The other day, I attended the funeral for the passing of my friend’s mother. When I heard the news, I was really struck by how out of touch I had been in this friend’s life. I knew her mother wasn’t well and that my friend had… Continue reading Inward or Outward? Learn to shift your gaze

Bringing joy into your life

Let’s get right down to it. JOY. Don’t we all want our days filled with this dreamy quality? Does it seem out of reach? This used to be me: – Getting everything done for everyone else and leaving myself last – Disallowing ‘shortcuts’ around any task, whether menial or skilled – Running 5 days a week because… Continue reading Bringing joy into your life

Your Just-Right Gratitude Practice

Last week I wrote about the art of finding the space between effort and surrender. I also promised you my step-by-step guide to finding the perfect balance point in your daily gratitude practice – and if you don’t have one yet…don’t worry, got you covered. This will help guide you whether you are well practiced or haven’t thought… Continue reading Your Just-Right Gratitude Practice

Finding your Goldilocks Zone

You know how when a concept enters your brain and you take note of it, everything around you seems to reflect the same thing? Like you’ve been pining for that long-lost vacation you may have had planned pre-pandemic and then every billboard is that magical white sand beach of your daydreams? Last week, I read… Continue reading Finding your Goldilocks Zone

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