How to feel happy

Have you ever noticed that when glimpsing our happiest, most sublime moments, we are surprisingly adept at covering this up with “protective”, often worse-case-scenario thinking? That those moments scare us so much that we have to put on a suit of armour in case it all goes horribly wrong? Brené Brown has famously said that “…the most terrifying,… Continue reading How to feel happy

Why Consistency Changes Everything

When I talk to my patients about meditation or mindfulness, the refrain I repeat as though quoted from some holy book is that consistency is key. It’s important to know that what I DON’T mean by this is that we should set aside an hour each earthly day to see benefits. In fact, I tell my patients… Continue reading Why Consistency Changes Everything

Finding your Goldilocks Zone

You know how when a concept enters your brain and you take note of it, everything around you seems to reflect the same thing? Like you’ve been pining for that long-lost vacation you may have had planned pre-pandemic and then every billboard is that magical white sand beach of your daydreams? Last week, I read… Continue reading Finding your Goldilocks Zone

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